Edible Oil RefiningPhysical Refining & Deodorization Plant

Physical Refining & Deodorization Plant

Earlier in the day, edible oils were known for their typical flavor and were particularly liked for it. Nowadays with the various health restrictions, it becomes imperative to put edible oil through the process of Deodorization Plant.

Deodorization is a process of vacuum stripping wherein a given amount of stripping agent typically steam is passed through the hot oil at low pressure. This removes both volatile off-flavours present in the bleached edible oil and off-flavours that are formed during thermally intensive processes.

Timing is of essence in the Deodorization Plant Process wherein too much takes away from the inherent flavors of the oil that are essential. On the other hand, if the deodorization process is too short, some precursors may remain the in the oil resulting in development of unwanted flavours during storage.

Deodorization is aimed at guaranteeing good oil quality while preserving nutritional value and eliminating contaminants and unwanted flavouring agents...

Physical Refining

The Physical Refining process is possibly the most important step in edible oil refining and is aimed at creating a fatty acid free, odourless product with a very light hue and very stable against oxidization.

The simplest and most economical way to execute physical refining is to pass the oil through a serious of compartments intermittently placed horizontally and vertically while subjecting it to steam stripping under high vacuum. This ensures all volatiles like fatty acids, aldehydes, ketones, alcohols and colouring agents are removed.

The Physical Refining Plant process is monitored continuously through instrumentation with precise control over all variables like temperature, flow rate, vacuum and time.


All Fats and Oils