About Us
Health Safety Environment Policy
We at Muez Hest believe that every employee is entitled to a safe and healthy workplace. All employees follow safe and healthy work practices, obey safety and health rules and regulations, and work in a manner, which helps to maintain our high safety and health standards.We have established, and insist upon, work methods and practices that promote a safe and healthy workplace at all times. By nurturing a positive employee environment with open communications, employee involvement and participation and mutual respect, Muez Hest has achieved a high level of safety and health performance.
Some of the key components of our Health, Safety and Environmental Policy are:
- 1Our Employees: We realize that our employees are paramount to our success, and hire those that align with our common interests and HSE Standards for excellence.
- 2Policies, Procedures and Programs: We undertake to continually review and develop our safety management systems, with the overarching aim of conducting our activities in a manner which does not affect the health and safety of any employees, contractors, visitors or members of the public, or adversely affect the environment.
- 3Training and Education: Training is an essential element for ensuring a safe work environment. Providing the information, instruction, training and supervision at all levels necessary helps to ensure that employees are competent to undertake their work activities and are aware of any related hazards and the measures to be taken to protect against them.
- 4Open Communications and Employee Involvement: Our safety program is a bottom-up, top-down program. Employees in the field take ownership for program design and implementation, while management, monitors and endorses safety performance and successes. Communication is open and bi-directional.
- 5Continuous Improvement efforts: The Company continuously improves its health and safety management system through a systematic review of performance based on data monitoring from relevant experience and lessons learned, and from conducting workplace audits and inspections.
- 6Drug and Alcohol Free Workplace: We are committed to drug free environment in offices, manufacturing facilities, R&D Centre, as well as, project sites.